Monday, February 1, 2016

I'm coming back!

Well, it has been almost 6 months since I've blogged and a lot has happened since then.  I've kept up with a decent amount of my money making activities, but I had to cash out all my stocks because I bought a house.

Let me tell you something:  buying a house is fucking EXPENSIVE.

I'd have rather not cashed out everything.  I feel like I was just starting to make some progress that I could see and measure.  Instead of only making money by making money, I was finally starting to see DOLLARS in dividends instead of CENTS.

But hey, the best time to start something is right now, so that's what I'm doing.  Hopefully I'll be more active.  I'm going to be back at it.  Buying small amounts of dividend stocks.  I think I'll be chasing bigger returns at the start, but who gives a shit at $100/trade, right?

Is your money making you money?
(Mine is not, but it will be again.  Soon.)